scientific/ wissenschaftlich

Binder, M. (Forthcoming): Book review Weiss, E. (2015) Paleopathology in Perspective. in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

Binder, M. (Forthcoming): The New Kingdom Cemeteries at Amara West – Funerary perspectives on Egyypto-Nubian Relationships. In: Spencer, N., Stevens, A. & Binder, M. (eds.) Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived experience, pharaonic control and indigenous traditions. Proceedings of the Annual Egyptological Colloquium, British Museum 11–12 July 2013. Leuven: OLA.

Woodward, J., Macklin, M., Spencer, N., Binder, M., Dalton, M. & Hay, S. (Forthcoming) : Living with a changing river and desert landscape at Amara West. In: Spencer, N., Stevens, A. & Binder, M. (eds.) Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived experience, pharaonic control and indigenous traditions. Proceedings of the Annual Egyptological Colloquium, British Museum 11–12 July 2013. Leuven: OLA.

Binder, M., Eitler, J., Deutschmann, J., Glaser, F., Ladstätter, S. & Fiedler, D. (2016) Prosthetics in Antiquity – An Early Medieval wearer of a foot prosthesis (6th century AD) from Hemmaberg/ Austria. International Journal of Paleopathology 12: 29–40.

Binder, M. (2015): Leben und Überleben im 19. Jahrhundert – Anthropologische Untersuchung der menschlichen Skelettreste
aus dem ehemaligen Matzleinsdorfer Friedhof in Wien. Fundort Wien 18. pp. 46-55.

Binder, M. (2014): Book Review: The Oxford Handbook of The Archaeology of Death and Burial. Archaeological Review from Cambridge. 29 (1)196-199.

Binder, M. (2014): “Cultural traditions and transitions during the New Kingdom colonial period and its aftermath – Recent discoveries from the cemeteries of Amara West.” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference for Nubian Studies, London 2010.

Binder, M. & Roberts, C (2014): Calcified structures associated with skeletal remains: possible atherosclerosis affecting the population buried at Amara West, Sudan (1300–800BC). International Journal of Paleopathology 6: 20–29.

Binder, M., Roberts, C., Spencer, N., Antoine, D. & Cartwright, C. (2014): On the Antiquity of Cancer: Evidence for Metastatic Carcinoma in a Young Man from Ancient Nubia (c. 1200BC). PLOS One 9 (3), e90924.

Binder, M., Sakl-Oberthaler, S. & Penz M. (2014): The Battle of Aspern 1809 – Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Results“. In: Eickhoff, S. & Schopper, F. Schlachtfeld und Massengrab. Spektren interdisziplinärer Auswertung von Orten der Gewalt. Forschungen zur Archäologie im Land Brandenburg · Band 15 · 2014. 365–377

Binder, M., Spencer, N., (2014): The bioarchaeology of Amara West in Nubia: Investigating the impacts of political, cultural and environmental change on health and diet, in: Fletcher, A., Antoine, D., Hill, J.D. (Eds.), Regarding the Dead. British Museum Press, London. 125–139.

Pany-Kucera, D., Berner, M., Binder, M., Kucera, M., Marschler, M., Penkner, A., Reschreiter, H., Schmitzberger, M. (2014): Experimentelle Kremationen – ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis anthropologischer und archäologischer Funde und Befunde. Proceedings of the GAPA.

Binder, M. (2013): The cemeteries of Amara West: Investigating the impact of climate and political change on health and living conditions in an ancient town in Upper Nubia (13th – 8th centuries BC). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 150 (S56), 81

Binder, M., Penz, M. & Sakl-Oberthaler, S. (2012): “The Battle of Aspern 1809 – Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Results”. The SHA Newsletter 45 (1). 20–22.

Binder, M. (2011): The 10th–9th century BC – New Evidence from Cemetery C of Amara West. Sudan & Nubia 15. 39–53.

Binder, M. (2011): Säuglingsbestattungen. In: M. Mosser et al. (Eds.): Die Ausgrabungen am Judenplatz. Monographie der Stadt Wien 5. Phoibos Verlag. Wien. 952–954.

Binder, M., Spencer, N. & Millet, M. (2011): The New Kingdom Cemetery at Amara West.

BMSAES 16. 47–99.

Tobias, B., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K. & Binder, M. (2010): Das Langobardenzeitliche Gräberfeld von Wien-Mariahilfer Gürtel. Jahrbuch RGZM 57/2010: 279–338.

Binder, M. & Krause, H. (2010): Der ehemalige Friedhof zu St. Ulrich in Wien 7 – Gräber aus der Zollergasse 32. Fundort Wien 13/2010: 114–145.

Binder, M., Krause, H., Mosser, M., Müller, M. & Penz, M. (2010): Ausgewählte Grabungen der Stadtarchäologie Wien 2009. Vindobona – Aquincum. Herausforderungen und Ergebnisse in der Stadtarchäologie II.6.: 97–122.

Binder, M. & Pany, D. (2010): Anthropological Analysis of 26 natural mummies (17th/18th century AD) from Schloss Albrechtsberg a. d. Pielach, Lower Austria. archaeoPLUS Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universiät Salzburg 1. 13–19.

Binder, M., Spencer, N. & Millet, M. (2010): The New Kingdom Cemetery at Amara West. Sudan & Nubia 14. 25–44.

Krause, H. & Binder, M. (2009): Wien 7, Zollergasse 32 – ehemaliger Friedhof zu St. Ulrich. Fundort Wien 12/2009: 216–219.

Binder, M. (2008): Der Soldatenfriedhof in der Marchettigasse. Monographien der Stadtarchäologie Wien 4. Phoibos Verlag, Wien. 163pp.

Binder, M. (2008): Die Evolution des Menschen. In Steiner, E. & Einwögerer, T.: Mensch, Mammut & Co. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung des Niederösterreichischen Landesmuseums. Verlag der Provinz. St. Pölten.

Binder, M. (2007): Paleopathology of an urban military graveyard: Inferences about living conditions of low status soldiers in the late 18th century. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 132 (S44): 75.

Binder, M. & Mosser, M. (2006): Die Grabungen im Innenhof des Bundesrealgymnasiums Wien VI, Marchettigasse 3 und einige Aspekte zur Regionalgeschichte von Gumpendorf. Fundort Wien, 9, 226–247.

Uerpmann, A., Schmidt, J., Niklisch, N. & Binder, M. (2006): Post-Neolithic Human Remains from the Jebel al-Buhais Area. In: Uerpmann, H.-P., Uerpmann, M. and Jasim, S. A. (Eds.): The Archaeology of Jebel al-Buhais (2), 69–99.

Binder, M., Uerpmann, A. & Henke, W. (2005): Enthesiopathien bei früh- und mittelholozänen menschlichen Skelettresten aus dem Wadi Shaw und Burg et-Tuyur (Sudan) – ein humanökologischer Interpretationsversuch. Anthropologie 43 (2–3): 283–293.

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